The Town Office will be CLOSED on Monday February 17th...
Town Council Regular Meeting Monday February 17th @ 7pm in...
Please pardon our unusual hours. We are in the process...
The Town Hall is open for rental. It rents for $150 and will seat approximately 100 people. There are folding chairs, tables and usage of the kitchen is included in the rental fee.
Whether it's a picnic, a brisk walk around our quarter-mile walking path, or just playing with the children, Troutville Town Park is for you!Please call the Town Clerk at (540) 992-4401
Zoning rules & regulations for the Town of Troutville
The Blue Star By-Way marker has been placed in our new memorial garden located inside Troutville Town Park. Services honoring our Veteran's are held here annually on Veteran's Day. Patrons can honor their Veteran with a purchase of a memorial brick that will include the Veteran's name, branch of service and years served. Contact the Town Park Manager for more information. Please call the Town Office, 540-992-4401, to have the Park Manager contact you.
Strategic Planning Effort Continues to Move Forward By: Sybille Nelson